By Jasmyne
This is a historical drama series that sets on during the Cold War era in the mid of 1950s until 1960s. An orphaned chess player, Beth Harmon struggles with emotional problems and being a drug and alcohol addict, in a quest to become one of the best chess players in the world. The show was released on October last year and after a month since its release, it has gotten good reviews on how well the actress’s performance as well as the cinematography and production of it.
This series is a short one as it only consists of 1 season with 7 episodes. Frankly, I’m not really a huge fan of shows like this neither I am a chess lover, but I was recommended to watch this show. I must say, it turned out pretty good, and also because it was only a few episodes so I gave it a shot.
I would give this show 4.8 stars for rating. This series turns out to be 2020’s true winner, truly an exemplary series showcasing one of the oldest and most intellectual games in humanity and the show truly pays a homage to this breath-taking game. Seeing a little girl taking centre stage in a male dominated game while conquering her vices makes this show’s each scene worthy of watching.
The passion displayed by the main character where you can see her whole world revolving around it inspires you to find your own and stick with it. So, this show is worth binge-watching in a day (if you usually binge-watch 10 episodes in a day) or you can watch it like me: 3 days to finish.