By Your Lecturer
COVID-19 isn’t just about being physically separated or absent from the classroom. Students at the beginning were happy they didn’t need to be in class but after some time they also missed the interaction with their friends and even with the lecturers.
For us, lecturers, it was a weak up call to understand the technological world you guys have been using since, probably, your cradle.
Teaching online is very challenging, because we are fighting to get your attention against your Insta, against your Facebook, against your TikTok, against every other app or game or video that pups out on your screen while “attending” your classes online!!!
Some classes were not planned to be delivered online, but we managed to adjust them, on top of everything, some international students are living in a different time zone and we need to schedule accordingly.
It was a real challenging time, but we succeeded, we learned, we trained, we create, and now here we are delivering our curses online with engaging content for you and activities to enhance your learning.
How long is this going to last? Well, that depends on all of us and how we continue following the SOPs dictated for different governments to stop this small, really tiny but deadly virus.
Your lecturers are missing you; we are missing you in the classroom, we miss your laughter and your questions, and your jokes and your naughtiness, believe me: WE DO MISS YOU ALL!!!