By Divya Rainjana

Minister of Science, Technology, and Innovation Khairy Jamaluddin began the process of vaccine registration on a voluntary basis for the AstraZeneca vaccine on May 2.

 There were rumours and false information being spread on the effectiveness of the vaccine such as an issue with blood clotting (a very rare incident), so it was directed mainly towards a target audience of the Malaysian Twittersphere: our youths.

In response, 268,800 vaccination slots were filled within three hours of the registration portal being live.

Malaysians have been sharing their personal experiences regarding the side effects of the AstraZeneca vaccine on social media, using the hashtag #CucukMYAZ. Officially, the side effects of the AstraZeneca vaccine are as follows:

  • Fatigue
  • Muscle weakness
  • Muscle aches
  • High fever
  • Headaches
  • Injection site pains

Most users report threads of tweets sharing their personal side effects, and among the more common ones include fatigue, high fever, numbness (of the entire injected arm), and headaches.

If you are working or have somewhere important to be that requires your optimal performance, it is advisable for you to ensure that you take a day-off to recover from the side effects.

For those who were not able to register for the AstraZeneca vaccine on May 2, the next registration is set for May 26 on the Malaysian government’s official vaccine-related website.

Before signing off, here is a peculiar side effect of the vaccine that I found by a user on Twitter, for a bit of relief!

Some fun to easy your daily burden!


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