By your lecturer

After the change in management, your lecturers have embarked in a tremendous new and exciting journey. We were not so get used to do this but it seems that now we are totally supported and encouraged to, either continue or start, the world or a serious researcher.

With the tremendous pressure brought upon universities worldwide by the Covid-19 pandemic and the restrictions in travelling, even for studies, many of you or your friends decided to put a puase in your journey through knowledge that your lecturers have take to enhance their own.

In this at INTI, all lecturers have joined forces to start conducting researches and publications, because we can and we must strive for academic excellence. This is the time that we need to show you how effective are we in doing that, not just at lecturing but also at researching.

This new step is coming, none the less, with lots of pressure, because there has been also restructuring at all levels with the aim of increasing efficiency which place your lecturers in roles that may seem complicated. Let me explain to you: now your lecturers not only will have to deliver the normal workload they use to do, approximately 18-20 hours per week more or less 4 courses per semester with all it’s implications like marking, preparing, delivering, creating materials, etc. But also, now we need to research, which comes with a lot of reading and writing and discussing with peers across the globe.

Although interesting and exciting, please bare with your lecturers during this journey if you see them stressed, angry, anxious, moody, etc. Please understand that we are doing it for you and for the reputation of the institution that you are studying, we are doing it to make you proud of the institution to where you will get your certificate from, we want you to be proud to be AN INTI ALUMNI UPON GRADUATION!

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