By Ruben Sethu

Mass Effect is often regarded as one of the greatest science fiction trilogies of all time and for good reason. With a memorable cast of characters, diverse alien races, and decisions that have lasting consequences throughout the series, few games if any-have come close to the monumental breadth and scope of such a feat. In conjunction with the release of Mass Effect Legendary Edition, it is time to relive once again what made BioWare’s franchise so significant.

Commander Shephard

In Mass Effect, BioWare chose to forgo traditional RPG dialogue lines; instead opting for a dialogue wheel. This allowed them to introduce a Paragon or Renegade morality system that tied into your choices. Far from being a simple good-and-evil scale, this was more akin to a good cop-bad cop situation – where neither decision is right or wrong.

It all depended on how you wanted your Shepard to be. Do you go for a sympathetic and compassionate Shephard? Or a hardcore, ruthless, get-the-job-done-at-all-costs Shephard? The choices and consequences were ultimately up to you.

The Normandy

The Normandy serves as your hub ship during your travels. As you journey to different planets, you encounter alien races that eventually join your crew as you establish relationships with and help them.

These characters aren’t just blank slates; each has their own distinct and unique personalities. If you are willing to invest the time getting to know them, you’ll find that they have fully fleshed out lore and backstories. Through conversations, they can express their viewpoints and give their thoughts on your decisions.

The Reapers

The Reapers are the primary, overarching antagonists of Mass Effect. As an alien species that has existed for billions for years, their goal is the harvest of all life. They created the Mass Effect relays and helped the influence the evolution of organic life, only to harvest them at their apex to create more Reapers.

This means a single Reaper contains the collective consciousness of trillions, giving them an almost unfathomable, Lovecraftian horror vibe.

To quote the Reaper Sovereign: “We Impose Order on The Chaos of Organic Evolution. You Exist Because We Allow It. And You Will End Because We Demand It.”

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