By Gurmit Kaur a/p Labh Singh & M Kamala Palaniappa Manickam, Senior Lecturers, INTI Language Centre, INTI International College Subang

This is what a group of students did when they worked on a project with WWF-Malaysia.

In conjunction with WWF-Malaysia’s 50th anniversary, Business Communication students from Southern New Hampshire University Program and American Degree Transfer Program at INTI International College Subang, took part in the Earth Hour 2022 Pledge for Nature Employer Project.

The project’s aim was to educate and empower the youth to garner support for WWF-Malaysia’s conservation efforts. The students created persuasive posters to encourage the public to pledge their support to turn off lights in their homes, offices or business centers during Earth Hour on 26 March 2022 at 8.30 p.m. (local time).

Additionally, the pledge also encouraged the public to plant potted plants in their homes or offices in support of WWF-Malaysia’s conservation efforts. The students researched and learned about the fragility of the environment and the need for conservation efforts; as a result, the students were whole-heartedly involved in designing effective and meaningful posters.

This project has certainly inculcated a sense of commitment towards Mother Earth while developing students’ soft skills such as collaboration and communication skills, creativity and critical thinking skills. Let’s all take a step forward to support WWF-Malaysia’s initiative by signing the pledge at this link .

Together we can make a difference!

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