By Student Experience Department, IICP

INTIMA took the lead to organize a gathering of great fun and feasting involving the international and outstation students on April 29. The event was aimed at creating a welcoming atmosphere and offering the group a platform to foster camaraderie and strengthen ties with one another.

The Organizing team went all-in from planning to executing the event to ensure a memorable night for the attendees. The evening began with a walk down memory lane with some rare sights of historical structures and popular tourist spots in Penang. It was certainly an eye-opening moment especially for the international audience, who were impressed with the rich heritage and culture displayed in the architectures from the past.

Group photo to capture the wonderful moment!

The evening then progressed with an ice-breaker session and interactive fun games that derived bouts of boisterous laughter from the crowd. The attendees had so much fun and were very engrossed in the game segment; there was ‘congkak’, ‘batu seremban’, hopscotch, ‘guli’, and even a Malaysian-style eraser game station which seek to introduce the international students to the local culture.

Intense duel on-going at the ‘congkak’ station

All the attendees seem to want the night to go on forever but, alas, all good things must come to an end. The group gathered for a picture followed by dinner time. To the delight of the attendees, there were numerous local treats to sample such as ‘satay’, ‘roti canai’, ‘char koey teow’, and ‘dodol’ amongst others. The group then bid farewell to one another and left with warm fuzzy feeling, relishing the wonderful moments together.

Malaysian-style eraser game that is fun to play!

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