By School of Business, INTI international College Penang

INTI International College Penang School of Business held its first Financial Simulation Boot Camp led by Mr. Hafiz and Mr. Asri, with 80 students participating in the boot camp.

The students took part in the Young Financial Analyst and the Forex Trading Challenge, where they were divided into 23 groups to analyze annual financial reports, thereby testing their group work, analytical and critical thinking skills.

The winners of the Young Financial Analyst and Forex Trading Challenge.

With Mr. Wilson, from Intel, and Mr. Chiam, from Deloitte, as judges, this competition provided students with additional hands-on industry experience that would help them broaden their knowledge and skills.

The organizer also invited Mr. Ken Tang, Senior Vice President of Finance at Exabytes, to give a presentation to the students on three key insights into financial statements to measure a company’s strength.

Participants are patiently waiting for the start of the Financial Simulation Boot Camp

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