By Faizul Azhar, INTI International College Subang

The Pre-U Digi Expo event was organised on 1 July at the Multipurpose Hall, INTI International College Subang, involving all final year Foundation in Arts students enrolled in COM1212 Digital Communication subject for April 2022 session.

Apart of being students’ major group project for this course, the two main goals of conducting this exhibition included, allowing students to gain experience in organizing an event via online or offline, as well as creating content using software learnt in class.

Besides, to provide insight on digital communication and its impact towards mass communication as it is a medium widely used to convey messages these days. The event was opened to all INTI students and staff to participate where they can obtain more awareness and exchange opinions about the topics discussed.

There were four groups presenting their findings using the following public service awareness (PSA) campaigns :

  • Group 1 @forocean_iics : Ocean Pollution
  • Group 2 @i_asked_many_people_about_you : Sex Education
  • Group 3 @endingcovid19 : Covid-19
  • Group 4 @saynotobully__ : Bullying

The winners were selected based on judge’s criteria and online voting via Pre-U Instagram page.

Group 1 @forocean_iics was the winner and Group 2 @i_asked_many_people_about_you emerged 1st runner-up.

Special thanks to Ms. Zumalia from Centre of Australia Degree programmes (CADP), Ms. Sharlini from University of Hertfordshire (UH) and Ms. Izza Athira from Universiti Malaya Centre for Continuing Education, Universiti Malaya (UMCCed) for being the judges.

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