By Virgillia Lee Freddy, School of Hospitality, INTI International College Subang

The whole month of June sure got students and staff visiting the South block in INTI International College Subang more often than usual. The reason? The reopening of live service for the SayaSuka Kiosk and Alkira Restaurant. These two outlets are definitely the more popular practical training areas for students in the School of Hospitality.

The weeks of theory lessons in class paired with the practical lessons in the outlets were finally put to the test for the general public. The students displayed their knowledge in the preparation of various cuisines and serving styles throughout the weeks of service.

Malaysian favourite nasi lemak by Chef Hana

Besides the dine-in experience in Alkira, customers were also spoiled for choices with the take-away options from SayaSuka. Some of the most popular items were the delectable quiches, walnut tarts, pavlovas, cheesecakes, and not forgetting the Malaysian favourite: nasi lemak! All of which that could be paired with any choice of tea or coffee freshly brewed from the espresso machine. The students definitely had a taste of the real life working scene in the food and beverage industry.

Speaking of the industry, Amerjit Singh, a SOHOS senior lecturer with vast experience in the world of Hospitality was sure to give his students the best chance of securing their internship placement by inviting numerous representatives from established hotels & restaurants for talks and workshops at the faculty.

The highlight of the many industrial talks would have to be when Donald Lim, CEO of Hotel Equatorial Group, came to give a talk to students. Equatorial Hotel, Kuala Lumpur has always been a supporter of the School of Hospitality at INTI College Subang.

Donald Lim, CEO of Hotel Equatorial Group, giving a talk to the students.

In his inspiring speech, he spoke about the challenges faced by the industry and how the hotels under his supervision overcame the obstacles to make them one of the leading premium hotel brands in Malaysia. After the talk, the students were given the opportunity to chat and seek advice from the CEO himself.

No doubt, all these lessons out of the traditional classroom will help shape the students into future leaders in the hospitality and culinary world.

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