By Christine Gan, Scholl of Business, INTI International College Penang

School of Business (SOBIZ) of INTI International College Penang organized an international discussion forum with Handan University, China, on the topic of the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) between the two countries.

The event was initiated by Ang Wei Zhi, co-organized by Yee Aik Phoay and Christine Gan from SOBIZ. 60 students participated in this international discussion forum on 15 July 2022 from 3:00 pm to 6:00 pm.

The Deputy Dean of Handan University Professor Sun Hongyun

The discussion focused on SDG 1 No Poverty, SDG 4 Quality Education and SDG 13 Climate Change from the perspective of both countries. Students need to prepare discussion points from these 3 questions before they meet. The questions are:

1.       List at least FOUR (4) initiatives taken in Malaysia/China in implementing the SGDs

2.       Explain the weakness and challenges that come with it.

3.       Suggest ways of improvement in overcoming the issues.

On the day of the discussion forum, students from Handan and INTI were mixed into different groups and they presented their findings. Subsequently, each group discussed and presented the last question which is:

4. Analyse the suitability of initiatives of China/Malaysia for your country.

Handan University’s Deputy Dean Prof. Sun Hongyan was pleased that such international initiative brings internationalization into classrooms. INTI International College Penang SOBIZ Dean, Khor Kok Chin thanked the organization committee from both countries in making this event a success.

Group photo with some of the Handan University students

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