By Student Experience Department, INTI International College Penang.

Hype+ Club is no stranger to charitable works and its members are always ready to lend a helping hand at any given opportunity. Living up to the Club’s goal and mission to make a difference in the community, Hype+ decided to integrate community development as the core element in their weekly activities.

Hype+ President leading by example, as he patiently helps a young boy with his homework.

The Club lined up a series of events for the community at the Rifle Range Digital Library, which included guiding the elderly on smartphones usage, helping school-going children on their homework, as well as teaching ‘do-it-yourself’ (DIY) life skills to residents in the neighbourhood.

The Club has been gathering over the weekends to carry out the three key activities on a rotation basis. The initial weekly activity which took place on August 20th was a digital clinic jointly organized by Tzu Chi and Digital Penang. Members gathered at the Rifle Range Digital Library and were assigned into teams to help senior citizens with the ‘step-by-step’ in navigating their way around a smartphone and utilizing its functions for the seniors’ daily use of the device.

Hype+ member guiding an elderly lady to navigate her way around the functions of her smartphone.

Club members will be gathering again over the next couple of weeks, as they take turns helping school-going children in their studies and homework as well as mentoring young adults and seniors, who require help in DIY skills such as fixing a leaking tap or changing a light bulb. These workshops may seem simple but require dedication and commitment from Hype+ members to coordinate and execute.

Kudos to Hype+ for the devotion and instilling the desire towards community betterment in each club members through these weekly activity initiatives!

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