By Student Experience Department, INTI International College Penang

It has been an annual tradition for INTIMA to organize the INTIMA Leadership Camp (ILC) and after a hiatus of over two years, the student government body was finally able to resume the tradition. This year, the ILC took place on Aug 20th and attracted over 53 INTIans in the one-day camp.

The ILC was aimed at cultivating leadership qualities among IICP students and shaping them for success beyond college, particularly after graduation. In addition, the camp serves as a great platform for IICP students to bond amongst themselves and to nurture accountability amongst students to play an active role in their own engagement of co-curricular activities organized within the Campus.

‘The Marshmallow Challenge’ to test out the teamwork amongst team members.

The Camp begun at 8am with the organizing committee welcome the enthusiastic crowd. The Camp kicked off at 9am with an ice-breaker session where each group were given time for self-introduction followed by a team activity of decorating tote bags to demonstrate their team spirit. The teams then dispersed for games in which they had to complete the games cycle within the stipulated time frame to gain points. The games such as ‘Lead the Blindfold’, ‘Newspaper Bridging Game’, and ‘Tic-Tac-Toe’ were meant to highlight specific leadership traits amongst fellow team members.

Putting the team’s leadership skill and teamwork to the test with a game of ‘Lead the Blindfolded’

Once the last team completed their tasks, everyone gathered at the cafeteria for lunch and a short break. The teams then were released for a treasure hunt to look for hidden ingredient tags. The team with the most ingredient tags were able to redeem the actual ingredient for their BBQ dinner. All the teams gave their best to locate the hidden tags and looking forward to a hearty BBQ dinner. As the evening approached, the teams mingled, ate, and chatted happily followed with team awards and closing ceremony after dinner. The teams gathered for a photo session with the organizing committee before bidding farewell. Overall it was a full day filled with exciting moments that are certainly memorable as new friendships were forged and great memories made.

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