By, Student Experience Department, INTI International College Penang

“Think of giving not as a duty but as a privilege” – these were the wise words from the late John Davison Rockefeller Sr., an American business magnate and philanthropist. It is indeed a privilege to give rather than receive and the spirit of giving is deeply ingrained in the “young lions” from the IICP Leo Club. Members of the Leo Club took time out of their weekend on 28th August to mobilize a food distribution to the needy and underprivileged, specifically at the Guan Yin Temple and orphanage Penang Shan’s Children Home.

The lions mingling and entertaining the little kiddos at Shan’s Children Home.

The mission begins at Guan Yin Temple with the distribution of bread and drink to the homeless that took refuge around the vicinity of the worship place. The Lions’ presence was overwhelmed by the large crowd of needy. The food supply was distributed in a flash and the beneficiaries seemed very happy with the Lion’s effort.

Afterwards, the Lions team continued to distribute meals – fried rice and bread to the Penang Shan’s Children Home. The children were very excited to have IICP Leo Club pay them a visit and they were happy when the Lions brought them treats.  Although it may not seem like much, the lions realized that it is the thought that counts; those who were blessed by the small gesture were very grateful.

One snapshot with the kids at Shan’s Children Home for memory

The overwhelming thanks the Lions received from the homeless at the Guan Yin Temple and the simple-minded children at the Penang Shan’s Children Home was enough to make them feel overcome with a great sense of humility and gratitude for the opportunity to contribute.

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