By Jenny Gibson, INTI College Sabah

INTI College Sabah celebrated its Chinese New Year with vibrancy and enjoyment on the 3rd of February at the College premises. This auspicious celebration was jointly organized by the INTI student body INTIMA and the Performing Arts Club.   

The ribbon dance was performed by the ICS Performing Arts Club

The event started in the morning with the lion dance performance accompanied by the symbolic drums and cymbals beats by the group of lion dance performers. Then, all staff and students were entertained with a ribbon dance performance. The graceful dance was performed by the Performing Arts Club members led by the club president David J. Chuk from the Diploma in Accounting programme.  The celebration went ahead to the Lao Sang Ceremony with the staff of INTI College Sabah. Member of the Board of Governors of INTI College Sabah, Datuk Chong Hon Len and the Chief Executive of INTI College Sabah, Roselyn Chua initiated the ceremony.  Prior to the commencement of main event in the afternoon, both students and staff were treated to a light lunch and some traditional Chinese pastries like varieties of kuih angku, kuih lapis nyonya, popiahs and other delicacies.  

Lion Dance performance

Ms. Roselyn Chua, in her welcoming speech thanked both INTIMA and the Performing Arts club for their untiring efforts in preparing for this momentous event for their fellow students. Both students and staff had the opportunity to participate in a variety of activities such as the Chinese calligraphy contest, Outfit of the day, Quizizz and lucky draws. The President of INTIMA, Azmeer Zaini, who is a student of the BA (Hons) Business Administration, University of Hertfordshire, said this celebration was brought by the 28th INTIMA with the purpose of creating awareness on Chinese culture and Chinese New Year.  

Participants in Chinese calligraphy display their finished works

The celebration ended at 2:00 p.m. with the closing speech by the Organizing Chairperson of the committee and also the INTIMA secretary, Felicia Tam. According to Felicia, who is also a student of the BA (Hons) Business Administration, University of Hertfordshire, this event had created an opportunity for both ICS staff and students to celebrate the auspicious occasion in the spirit of togetherness. She thanked all the participants and attendees for making the event a memorable one. 

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