By Elween Loke, School of Business, INTI International College Penang.

Teoh Teik Lee, Senior Director, Global Procurement, Jabil delivered a guest lecture to INTI International College Penang students entitled Personal Insights to Purposeful and Effective Communication on 13th February.

Mr Teoh Teik Lee , Senior Director Jabil, delivered a compelling talk to the students.

The event was hosted by School of Business (SOBIZ) and assisted by Centre of Excellence Pre-U (CEPS).  More than 160 students flocked to Multiple Purpose Hall of INTI International College Penang to attend the sharing of the speaker’s experience and insight on communication, specifically a framework on how to design and deliver presentation to achieve desired outcomes.  This session saw students actively involved.  Students brought back nuggets of wisdom which are useful for their self-developments.

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