By Jernestcia Febronia Gimbad, INTI College Sabah

Volunteering is an essential aspect of personal growth and nurturing empathy, and a sense of responsibility. On the 12th June, students from Diploma in Accounting taking MPU2432 Co-Curriculum orchestrated an extraordinary volunteering event at the Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (SPCA) and succeeded in mobilizing significant donations. This collaborative endeavour exemplifies the impact that a dedicated group of youngsters can have on a worthy cause. 

Yapp Mei Fung, Cheyne Leong Xuan, Valerie Wong Xin Ai, Ho Yung King, Yong Poh Yee, and Vinvent Ho Jun Onn, along with subject lecturer Ms Jernestcia and Mr Fernendez, Student Services Officer, recognizing the need for community involvement decided to organize a volunteering event at the local SPCA centre.

The committee presenting RM2,000 donation to the shelter’s manager, Ms Vivian Ho.

With their organizational skills, these students sought to create a platform to showcase the importance of giving back and simultaneously raise funds for the welfare of abandoned animals.

Through social media campaigns and word-of-mouth, the students managed to attract a diverse group of 17 enthusiastic volunteers. During the event day, they strategically engaged in various activities like cleaning, feeding, grooming, and playing with the animals. The volunteers demonstrated patience, care, and tenderness towards the furry residents, making a positive impact on their overall well-being.

Cute puppy seeking for a second home.

The students initiated a donation drive to secure much-needed financial assistance for the SPCA managing to secure sponsorships from family and friends, which heightened the impact of their endeavours. The collaborative efforts of the accounting students played a crucial role in gathering a substantial amount of RM2,000 to improve the living conditions and medical care for the animals in need.

The extraordinary volunteering event at the SPCA exemplifies the power of collaboration and dedication, their efforts not only positively impacted the animals at the centre but also raised awareness among members of the community about the importance of supporting organizations like the SPCA.

Not only dogs but cats also look for a forever home.

Through meticulous planning, active volunteer engagement, and thoughtful donation initiatives, these students have shown us how a united effort can make a significant difference in the lives of those who are vulnerable and in need, undoubtedly left an indelible mark on the lives of both the volunteers and the animals they selflessly served.

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