
Women in Sports in Malaysia

By Mass Communication Department, FBC, IIU Malaysia Book of Records holder, World Senior Champion Swimmer, Southeast Asia Games champion, mom and athlete Cindy Ong, participated in the Guest Speaker Series organised by the Department of Mass Communication of Faculty of Business and Communications from INTI International University in March, in line with the International Women’s […]

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International Forum: Women in Media

By Mass Communication Department, FBC, IIU In line with the International Women’s Day (IWD) 2022 #breakthebias, Mass Communication Department of Faculty of Business and Communication from INTI International University organised the International Forum: Women in Media, in an attempt to create awareness around the situation that women, specifically, in media face in today’s world. Presenters […]

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Fake News and the Law in Malaysia

By Mass Communication Department, FBC, IIU “Prosecuting those citizens who share information on social media to be safe and do not verify the information shared, is not an effective way to tackle fake news, as what it needs to be done is educate all citizens to understand the consequences of misinformation”, said Harris Zainul, Senior […]

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Big Data Analytics is here to stay

Big data analytics is the game changer for the industry, whether you’re in IT or the business.– Michael Minelli This trend is going to continue over time. As the technologies are advancing, many companies are interested in deploying automated marketing, up-selling, cross-selling, anti-fraud controls, etc., in delivering real ROI and achieve highly competitive advantage today. […]

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IEEE honours INTI International University Students for Innovative Projects

IEEE – Innovation Competition organized by IEEE-Skyline University-College Sharjah, United Arab Emirates was held on 02-02-02.  The competition was held online, and the participants were given 12 minutes to present their innovative ideas.  INTI students had grabbed the first 2 prizes out of the total 3 prizes given in the competition. Mohamed Saalim Abdulhaq Kaderdina […]

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Moot Court Experience for A-Level Students

INTI International University Nilai was pleased to welcome A-Level students for a briefing on the practical nature of law. A Workshop titled “Introductory Advocacy for A-Level” was held at the Moot Court on 22nd February 2022 from 10am-2pm. This was the students’ first exposure to a Moot Court and most were curious as to what happened […]

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