Empowering Young Minds for Good Money Management

By Fan Chen Keat, Lecturer, Centre for American Education, INTI International College Subang Students from Centre for American Education attended a Guest Lecture on Empowering Young Minds for Good Money Management conducted by Mr. Rumi Yeo, Certified Financial Coach, on 21 June. Mr. Yeo stressed the importance of individuals having financial freedom instead of being […]

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Student Budget – Wants vs. Needs

By Anis Nadhirah Take a look around your room. Can you identify which things you bought as a NEED and which were a WANT? Even with a budget, it’s easy to get side-tracked in buying things simply because you thought it was cute or wanted to expand your collection. But, it’s important to learn which […]

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Tool #2: Apps

Put your phone to good use By Anis Nadhirah Have you ever looked through your wallet and wondered, where exactly did I spend my money today? Or maybe you’re the old-fashioned type of person who keeps all their receipts as a method of expense tracking? If you’re either one of those types, you should consider […]

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Student Budget

Growing up with a father in the finance world, I’ve seen plentiful spreadsheets about the family budget that made my head spin. As I grew up, I watched him explain said calculations to my elder brothers who have disappeared into the “working adult realm”. It’s nothing to be shy about – having almost no awareness […]

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