IICS Paves The Way Forward through SS15 Gotong Royong

By Center for American Education, INTI International College Subang On 25 February, 300 staff and students from three IICS faculties namely the Center for American Education (CAE), the Centre for University of Hertfordshire Programmes (CUHP), and the Centre for Australian Degree Programs (CADP) joined forces to clean up the commercial area in SS15 in a […]

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IICS holds talk on Waste Management Awareness & Solutions

By Winston Lim, Center for American Education, INTI International College Subang “Thirty percent of the Subang Jaya City Council’s (MBSJ) budget, amounting to RM57 million, is allocated towards trash disposal when it could be used to support other infrastructure and the local environment,” said YB Michelle Ng Mei Sze, the Subang Jaya Assemblyperson (ADUN). The […]

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Playing a Part to Save Our Marine Life

By Student Experience Department, INTI International College Penang In an attempt to make a difference in preserving our ecosystem, the INTI International College Penang Leo Club carried out a seaside cleaning initiative at Batu Maung Foodies near the Penang second bridge vicinity. The move was driven by the desire to create awareness on littering habit, […]

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